Jerk Halibut with Fruit Salsa

We grew, raised and harvested beautiful produce, meats and poultry on the farm. While none of us could truly be considered a forager, my dad did enjoy hunting game birds. He relished the time spent with his brothers and his various hunting dogs, and our plates were occasionally graced with quail and pheasant. No one in any fairness though, could be called a fisherman. I vaguely remember one family reunion held at Kentucky Lake. After a long day spent on the lake bristling with poles, bait, and boasting, fish landed at the kitchen door, suspiciously cleaned and wrapped professionally in butcher paper…

The fact that we lacked fresh fish did not deter my mother in any way. Now, this was the sixties. I cannot imagine that anyone was prattling on about Omega-3s and the need to eat fish on a regular basis, yet somehow this belief was firmly fixed in my mother’s menu planning philosophy. (Along with liver on a weekly basis, which is another story.) Most of the time I consider my mom to be a fairly inspired cook for the era. Her preparation of fish was not one of those shining moments.

Neither was the frozen fish available at the grocer’s anything like today’s frozen fish. No flash freezing on the boat or vacuum sealing for this catch. It was harvested, delivered ashore at some point, and eventually transported to a processing facility. No matter the variety, it all came out in identical cardboard packages, long and rectangular, with a stylized image of supposedly whatever fish was inside. When thawed, it was limp and soggy, any semblance of firm cellular structure long gone. In retrospect, how inspired could a dinner be which starred this sad protein?

The weekly preparation was always the same. The fillets were baked in the oven with a bit of butter, lemon, dried herb and sliced olives. That was it. It’s pretty easy to understand how a Midwestern farm girl could decide that seafood wasn’t really food worth eating. Which was the attitude I carried with me when I left the farm for the big wide world. Save the ocean-don’t eat fish!

Fortunately the seafood menu offered by the big wide world considerably expanded my view of how delicious fish could be. From the eastern seaboard to the coasts of Oregon, California, Mexico and Italy; from the isles of Fiji, New Zealand and Thailand, I’ve enjoyed freshly prepared seafood in a multitude of preparations. Now when eating out, a firm menu choice must wait until I hear a description of the daily seafood special. More often than not, that will be what I order.

While I live in a desert, large bodies of fish bearing saltwater are closer to me now than when growing up on the farm. I am lucky indeed to have several high quality fishmongers within fifteen minutes of my home, with firm, plump selections of fresh seafood. Fish and/or seafood are now on the menu at least once, sometimes twice, in the week. Grilled, broiled, pan sautéed, and steamed, but uh… not baked. While baking fish could perhaps be successful, my memory of baked fish leaves something to be desired…

Which brings me to the fish we are serving this evening. White fish like halibut are like blank canvasses, just waiting for someone to spice them up. Which is precisely what jerk seasoning does. And of course once you’ve gone the jerked route, hot and sweet salsa on top is an absolute necessity. The black rice underneath is the perfect complement, nutty and chewy.

While grilling is a year round option in the southwest, this recipe is traditional hot weather fare in most locales. The fruits used in the salsa are classic summer varieties too, so now is the time to get grilling. You can catch it or buy it, just don’t bake it!

Jerk Halibut with Fruit Salsa

Prep Time30 minutes
Cook Time15 minutes
Total Time45 minutes
Course: Entree
Servings: 4 servings
Author: Mary Kay Allen


  • 1 ½ lb. halibut filets/steaks or other meaty fish suitable for the grill
  • 2 teaspoons jerk seasoning purchased or homemade
  • Fruit Salsa
  • 1 cup diced fresh pineapple
  • 1 ripe mango peeled and diced
  • 2 Kiwi fruit peeled and diced
  • 4 large strawberries hulled and diced
  • ½ cup diced red onion
  • 3 tablespoons chopped cilantro
  • ½ jalapeno pepper seeded and diced (leave the seeds in if more heat is desired)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 cup forbidden black rice or other rice of choice


  • Prepare a gas or charcoal grill to a medium hot flame. Sprinkle the fish with the jerk seasoning and rub in. Store in refrigerator until ready to grill.
  • Prepare the rice according to package directions.
  • Combine all ingredients for the fruit salsa in a medium bowl, stirring well. Set aside until ready to serve.
  • When the rice is done, set aside to steam in the pan while the fish is cooked. Place the pieces of fish on the grill grate directly over the fire. Grill to doneness preferred. A general rule for cooking fish is to allow ten minutes per inch of thickness. If the surface appears grilled before the center is done to your liking, move the fish to the edges of the grill to slow the cooking.
  • To serve, plate individual servings of rice. Place a fish filet atop each serving of rice and ladle on generous spoonsful of fruit salsa.


Rich Yeast Coffee Cake with Streusel

Will Pedal for Coffeecake

I spent much of my time as a farm kid cruising the country roads on my bike.

Learning to bike ride on the farm differed a bit from what I observed my peers to be doing in town. They pedaled jauntily down the thoughtfully provided sidewalks, training wheels attached to their two-wheelers. In place of training wheels, I had a dad who was of the “toss ‘em in and let ‘em sink or swim” philosophy. I’m not sure of my mom’s view on the training wheels, but what I do know is that my dad seized the moment when my mom and grandmother went off for one of their ladies’ getaway weekends.

Across our front yard was a ridge with a gradual downhill slope, ending in a row of trees at the bottom. At the top of the ridge, Daddy would prop up my brother’s hand-me-down bike, (yes, a boy’s bike) plop me on the seat, and give me a push. Adrenalin flowed as the bike careened down the slope, with me inevitably steering it into one of the trees. Plop, push, careen, crash. Repeat. Repeat until I could begin to demonstrate some wobbly balance on the bike. This activity was the focus of the weekend, as biking competence was required by the time the ladies returned from their weekend away. When Mom and Grandma got home, Daddy proudly sent me out to the road to demonstrate my hard won biking prowess. Where I shakily pedaled for a moment or two, lost my balance and fell in the ditch. Which was awash with poison ivy. Mom had a cow, rushing me into a hastily run bath to wash off the toxin. Which must have worked like a charm, as I didn’t develop any poison ivy blisters at all. Mom, on the other hand, was covered with blisters within a few hours. Daddy got the last laugh, as it appeared that I had inherited his ability to survive poison ivy exposure with none of the dire consequences.

My biking improved, which was a good thing as I enjoyed my mother’s coffeecake immensely. Every now and again in the summer, Mom would pack up a breakfast picnic of her streusel coffee cake, freshly cooked bacon, orange juice and hot coffee to be eaten at a little brook, perhaps a half mile from our farmhouse. And of course, we got there on our bikes. It was a picturesque spot in which we kids could inhale our breakfast before clambering down to the creek side to explore, leaving Mom some luxurious time for eating and contemplation.

Baking this coffeecake demanded an investment of time and effort. The recipe was based on the Rich Yeast Batter adapted from the Betty Crocker Picture Cookbook, circa 1950 . While Mom probably doctored it up with whole-wheat flour and wheat germ, what impressed me was that she had to beat the finished batter for 100 strokes prior to rising! The streusel with which she topped it provided the sweetness, as the cake itself was richly flavored with yeast and spices, but not much sugar. As so often happens with childhood favorites, this recipe set the bar for my taste in coffee cake.

While I have made a sourdough coffeecake for years, I discovered that I could bake a version of Mom’s with better flavor and nutritional balance, while cutting back on the time investment. She made the whole shebang by rising early in the morning, but my lazy self played with making the batter the night before and baking it in the morning, which worked just fine. No need to lose sleep over rising yeast batter! In characteristic fashion, I changed a few other things, too… like substituting oil for shortening, changing up the flour mix, increasing the spices, adding vanilla, substituting dates for sugar in the streusel…you know, just a few alterations. Amazingly after all that, it tastes just like I remember on the creek side.

Should you make it, you have permission to just eat it at home, no bike ride required.

Rich Yeast Coffee Cake with Streusel

Prep Time30 minutes
Cook Time25 minutes
Total Time55 minutes
Course: Breakfast
Servings: 12 servings
Author: Mary Kay Allen


  • 1-½ cups flour (I used a mix of sprouted wheat spelt, and whole-wheat pastry
  • flour; a blend of white whole wheat and all-purpose would work well)
  • ¼ cup ground flaxseeds/flax meal
  • ¼ cup almond flour
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 2-¼ teaspoons instant yeast
  • 2/3- cup almond or other alt milk
  • ¼ cup brown sugar
  • 1 large egg
  • ¼ cup vegetable oil I use avocado
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla
  • Streusel
  • ¼ cup almond flour
  • ¼ cup flour
  • 1- tablespoon brown sugar
  • 1- teaspoon cinnamon
  • 3 tablespoons butter cut into bits
  • 3 large Medjool dates pitted and chopped
  • 1 to 2 teaspoons water


  • The night before, combine the flour, flax meal, almond flour, cinnamon, salt and yeast. Stir to mix well. In a second bowl beat together the almond milk, brown sugar, egg, oil and vanilla, until completely blended. Beat 100 strokes, until the batter smooths out. Cover and let rise for 1 hour. Prepare a 9-inch square baking pan by greasing or spraying thoroughly with cooking spray. At the end of the hour, stir the batter lightly and spread evenly in the baking pan. Cover with saran and refrigerate overnight.
  • In the morning, remove the batter from the refrigerator and allow sitting at room temperature for about 45 minutes. In the meantime, preheat the oven to 350° F. and prepare the streusel. In the work bowl of a food processor, combine the almond flour, flour, brown sugar and cinnamon. Add the butter bits and chopped dates. Pulse to combine, until flaky. Add the water one teaspoon at a time, pulsing after each addition, until the streusel is moist and crumbly.
  • Sprinkle the streusel evenly over the batter and bake for 25-30 minutes. Remove and cool slightly before slicing.

Farm Girl Goes Urban


For a young farm girl, traveling 25 miles down the road to the city of Dayton was a significant venture. A small distance by today’s standards, but surface streets of that day weren’t designed for efficiency. In actuality though, the principal expanse of the day’s journey was not about physical distance; it was about cultural distance. Life on the farm was insular; isolated in many ways. There was a vast multitude of people as well as happenings in the world, both of which were totally outside my experience. Which, I suppose, is one of the reasons my folks decided to raise us on the farm. Must maintain the innocence…

Every now and again though, Mom and Grandma would dress me to the nines in dress, hat, gloves and patent leather shoes for a trip “downtown.” I have no memory of why we were going, probably shopping. I was too busy gawking at all the lofty ornate buildings, along with every person whose appearance was different from my own. Of which there were many. The experience was honestly scary, due to my ignorance of where the heck all these different people came from. It never occurred to me to ask any questions concerning these thoughts, perhaps because I subconsciously understood that the times didn’t encourage such inquiries…

I could forget my concerns though when we arrived at the decidedly upscale dining room of Rike’s Department Store for lunch. At which I perpetually ordered the “little chicken.” This item from the kid’s menu was served in a ceramic ramekin, shaped like a chicken. The head and wings formed the lid. I never tired of lifting it off to reveal a little mound of steaming hot mashed potatoes covered with creamed chicken. If only such simple delights made my day today!

There was, though, a different sort of downtown trip that we made with just Mom, who I tend to forget had experienced a more sophisticated life before moving to the farm. Forget dress up and upscale. We would duck into an exotic dark little stairwell, and descend into a kitschy underground Chinese restaurant, complete with gaudy paper lanterns and stylized Chinese wall characters. In retrospect, there was absolutely nothing authentic about this spot, but it was my proper introduction to some of those different people, and to food that wasn’t meat, potatoes, and vegetable, each confined to their assigned space on the plate. I was eating egg foo young, basically scrambled eggs with some canned bean sprouts and soy sauce and feeling pretty darn worldly for a little farm kid.

In our farm kitchen, stir-frying came into vogue sometime in the late sixties-early seventies. Mom did not invest in a wok; she just used her electric skillet. Her claim to fame in Chinese cuisine was a dish she called chicken velvet, which she often prepared for guests. No idea where she got the recipe. In fact, I’m amazed to learn that “velveting chicken” is actually an authentic Chinese cooking method used to lock in the juices and keep the chicken moist and tender. Who knew? The strips of cooked chicken were combined with canned bamboo shoots, water chestnuts, candied ginger and green beans. While the only authentic thing about it was the cooking method, it made a delicious meat and vegetable entrée fit for company.

My version today offers a nod to Mom’s, though I eschew the “Chinese” vegetables for fresh seasonal vegetables. If a can of water chestnuts just happens to be residing in my pantry, I toss them in for old times’ sake, but they are completely optional. Her recipe didn’t include a sauce either, which I’ve added. One should feel free to tinker with the proportions of meat to vegetables, too. Given my current practice of less meat, more vegetables, I’ll be reducing the amount of chicken and increasing the amount of vegetables the next time I prepare it.

I can say honestly now that I’m a world traveler who has met numerous peoples and experienced many cultures and cuisines of the world. I can drive ten minutes from my home today and order what is probably a much more authentic Chinese meal. But I wish that little Chinese restaurant still lived underground in Dayton, and that Mom and I could duck in one more time. That is not to be, so I guess I’ll head to the kitchen to “velvet” some chicken

Chicken Velvet

Prep Time30 minutes
Cook Time15 minutes
Total Time45 minutes
Course: Entree
Cuisine: Asian
Servings: 4 servings
Author: Mary Kay Allen


  • 1 lb. chicken breast sliced on the horizontal into 1/8-inch thick pieces
  • 2- tablespoon cornstarch divided
  • 1- tablespoon dry sherry
  • 2- tablespoons water
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 1- tablespoon sherry
  • 1- teaspoon sambal oelek
  • 1- teaspoon sesame oil
  • 3 green onions split lengthwise and sliced into 1-inch long strips
  • 1- tablespoon minced fresh ginger
  • 3 to 4 cups stir-fry vegetables cut into 1-inch pieces (good choices include red bell peppers, asparagus, mushrooms, fresh green beans, broccoli, carrots, celery, etc.)
  • 1 can sliced water chestnuts drained (optional)
  • 3 tablespoons avocado oil or other oil with high smoke point
  • ½ cup chicken broth
  • ¼ cup sliced almonds
  • Cooked rice for serving


  • In a medium bowl, combine the chicken slices, 1 tablespoon of cornstarch, sherry, water and salt. Set aside. In a small bowl, combine the soy sauce, sherry, re3maining cornstarch, sambal oelek, and sesame oil. Set aside. Have all vegetables prepared and ready for stir-frying.
  • Heat 1 tablespoon of the oil over high heat in a wok or large skillet. Add half the chicken and cook, stirring constantly, until the chicken loses its raw appearance. Remove to a large bowl. Repeat with additional tablespoon of oil and remaining half of chicken.
  • Heat remaining tablespoon of oil over high heat and add the green onions and ginger. Stir-fry for 30 seconds, and then add the remaining vegetables. Stir-fry for 3 to 4 minutes, adding the broth midway through. When vegetables are just crisp tender and broth reduced by half, add the chicken back to the skillet. Pour the reserved sauce mixture over and stir until the sauce thickens and becomes translucent. Sprinkle with the almonds and serve over rice.


Double Pecan Pancakes

Questions abound when it comes to “diet.” What to eat? When to eat? When not to eat? But the big ones are all about the carbs. There are those who eschew them altogether, eating one of the currently popular low carb diets. For me, carbs are non-negotiable, given that high-protein-low-carb leaves me starving. All day long. My gall bladder turned to Swiss cheese thirty odd years ago and I prefer digesting my food, which is why high-fat-low-carb leaves me nauseated, my stomach full of miserable indigestible fat. No! Not another bite of avocado/coconut oil/nut pie!

Eating a good balance of complex carbs, in combination with fats and protein at each meal, works best for me. I do not eat carbs by their lonesome. The grains still nestle in their little coats of bran, and are soaked prior to cooking. The great majority of baked items are homemade, using sourdough fermentation and whole grain flours. And of course, fruits and vegetables are carbs-at least five servings daily, and yes, I consume the starchy ones too.

But not all carbs are complex… Enter the demon sugar. The sugar industry evidently pulled the wool over our eyes for quite a few years. Of course, we were willing participants; lose the fat and up the sugar in my processed foods of choice? Heck yeah! But the truth about added sugar has popped out of the bag and refuses to be pushed back in, meaning that I’ve had to make some tweaks in my recipes and daily diet, particularly at breakfast.

Yes, hard as it is, I’ve cut back on the added sugar. (My taste buds will still be in recovery when I die.) I also employ a number of techniques to s-l-o-w down the rate at which those carbs enter my bloodstream:

  1. New recipes routinely have the sugar cut or eliminated, and I strive to keep added sugars in my own developed recipes within a range of one to two teaspoons per serving, depending on what I am baking. Can’t really call ‘em “sweet rolls” anymore…
  2. I substitute flaxseed meal for a couple tablespoons of the cereal grains when making steel cut oats or polenta to decrease the carbs and increase the healthy fats. Added hemp or chia seeds provide a protein boost. Pseudo grains like amaranth already have a good carb to protein balance, as well as having complete protein. Note the discussion of porridge? More complex grains, fewer rolls… sigh. And the heaping tablespoon of brown sugar to sweeten those bowls of goodness is gone as well; I do allow myself a single forlorn teaspoon of honey and fresh berries on top.
  3. Emphasize what sweetness there is in a recipe by adding enhancers like vanilla, lemon or orange zest, rum or brandy, and warm spices, like cinnamon.
  4. Plain unsweetened yogurt gets a single teaspoon of lemon curd or honey with chopped pecans. Tartness is good for you.
  5. Muesli/granola is made with half oats/half seeds, nuts, coconut, and flax. Yes, there are granolas made with all seeds, nuts, coconut and flax, but I’m inclined to want to hang onto my teeth, thanks very much.
  6. When I do indulge in one of my now not so sweet rolls, I pair it with an egg.
  7. Real sourdough bread is a slow digesting carb source. The list of ingredients should include nothing more than flour, water and salt, with some indication that there were many hours of fermentation before baking.
  8. I have no problem “borrowing”-well, actually filching-some of the secrets of low carb baking. But instead of trashing all the grain flour, I just substitute nut flour for part of it. As in the pancakes recipe I’m sharing today.

I’ve been making these tweaks for a while now, making me think back to my mom’s approach to sugar in my childhood. Which prompted me to look up what good old Adelle Davis, Mom’s nutrition guru, had to say about sugar:

“Almost every food we eat forms sugar either directly or indirectly during or after digestion…he or she receives all the sugar he or she needs from natural sources. Unfortunately we tend to rely too much on refined sugar to satisfy our hunger since it is absorbed rapidly into the bloodstream and gives a temporary boost to the blood sugar level. However, apart from being used in the body to provide energy it has no other value; it contains neither vitamins nor minerals.”

She said this about fifty years ago… Which was why we consumed plain yogurt, whole-wheat toast, bran muffins, NO SODA, etc., etc. on the farm. I am actually quite grateful that I never developed a taste for soda. One full sugar soda has three times my supposed daily allotment of added sugar by today’s standards. An addiction I didn’t develop! Thanks, Mom!

The pancake recipe includes a few of these techniques to slow the digestion of the carbs and keep my stomach happy for the morning. Whole grain flour in combination with nut flour*, and the addition of flax meal and hemp hearts adds healthy fat and protein. The extracts pump up the perception of sweetness. I’m happy to say that these little cakes are fluffy, stack beautifully, (though my personal portion of two pancakes makes a rather pathetic stack) and are jam-packed with pecan flavor. I generally top them with a drizzle of syrup, chopped pecans, and blueberries. If you require them to be more carb virtuous, applesauce and cinnamon with pecans makes a nice topping as well.

These keep my body fueled and contented for an entire morning, no sugar high or mid-morning tummy grumbling allowed!

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Double Pecan Pancakes

Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time20 minutes
Total Time30 minutes
Course: Quick Bread
Servings: 16 pancakes
Author: Mary Kay Allen


  • 1½- cup buttermilk or sour milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 1- teaspoon vanilla extract
  • ½ teaspoon maple extract optional
  • 1- tablespoon maple syrup
  • 2 tablespoons melted butter or oil
  • 1- cup white whole-wheat flour pastry flour if available
  • ½ cup pecan meal/flour or other nut flour
  • 2 tablespoons flaxseed meal
  • 2 tablespoons hemp hearts
  • 1 ½ teaspoon baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon soda
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon
  • Maple syrup or applesauce for topping
  • Chopped pecans for topping


  • Pre-heat a griddle to 350° F. or large skillet over medium heat.
  • Combine the buttermilk, eggs, extracts, syrup and butter/oil in a medium bowl and blend together thoroughly. In a large bowl, combine the remaining dry ingredients and mix well. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients and pour in the wet mixture. Blend gently, not over mixing. It’s okay of there are small lumps in the batter.
  • Lightly grease or coat the griddle with cooking spray. Ladle the batter by ¼-cupful onto the griddle, spacing to allow for spreading. When bubbles appear on the top and the bottoms are nicely browned, flip the pancakes. Bake for several minutes until golden on the bottom, then remove to a platter. Continue until all the batter is baked.


*Pecan meal can be made in the food processor or purchased online, or another type of nut flour can be substituted.




Trade in the Cabbage, Please!


My farm boy dad was an experienced gardener, having been raised on a farm with nine siblings to be fed. He was never happier than when in his vegetable garden, and he brought produce into the kitchen with great satisfaction. I do believe, though, that he took the ultimate pride in the firm heads of cabbage, with their tightly furled leaves and bright green color. Dad loved cabbage, but it was an unrequited love, as cabbage was particularly tough to digest for someone with his gut issues. Long before terms like IBS and fodmaps were part of the vernacular, eating cabbage kicked him to the curb repeatedly. But he ate it and other items that caused him pain and bloating, because… well, I guess because that’s just what we did in those days.

By the time I was a young adult, the beginnings of my own IBS had emerged. Unlike my dad, I had the whole cabbage thing figured out, along with legumes, and avoided them like the plague. So, driving with my husband last week to pick up our CSA veggie share, it should not have been a surprise when I mentioned that we would be hitting the produce-trading table with the week’s cabbage share. Suddenly, he began to wax nostalgic about… cabbage rolls. For those not familiar with cabbage rolls, they consist of a blanched cabbage leaf stuffed with ground meat, rice and seasonings, which is cooked long and slow in a bath of tomatoes and their juices. I believe they originated in Eastern Europe, but they are quite popular in the Midwestern United States. From my perspective, they are little bloat balls of doom.

Now my husband is regretfully tolerant of my dietary adjustments, but I have learned that when the longing for a forbidden item hits, I need to nip it in the bud, pronto. Attempting to snatch victory from the jaws of cabbage roll defeat, I suggested that we could make meat-and-veggie rolls by stuffing a more acceptable vegetable, like maybe chard. It actually had the advantage of being a softer leaf that would not require the extra step of blanching to relax it; he’d never know the difference, they’d be even more delicious than cabbage rolls, etc., etc. This appeared to work, so now I had to actually make chard rolls.

So who knows what goes into a chard roll? I decided to think more like a Greek than an Eastern European. Chard shares similarity in taste to spinach, which goes well with lemon, and feta might be good tucked in there somewhere. Heck, I like lamb better than beef, and yummy things like olives and pine nuts would be right at home in a vegetable meat roll. Right? Luckily, this proved to be true, because the chard rolls turned out to be so-o-o much better than cabbage rolls! The chard leaves became silky, imbued with the lush flavors of broth and lemon. The meat stuffing had the richness of lamb and pine nuts, with tang provided by olives and feta. These rolls, conceived in desperation, were the best meat rolls I could imagine. It matters not whether you are an aficionado of cabbage rolls; you should try these. BTW, I don’t fool myself that the cabbage roll craving won’t show its face again, but I will worry about that when it happens. In the meantime, I’ll be making these…

Greek Style Chard Rolls

Prep Time45 minutes
Cook Time45 minutes
Total Time1 hour 30 minutes
Course: Entree
Servings: 4 servings
Author: Mary Kay Allen


  • 1/3- cup rice parboiled in 1 cup water: 10 minutes for white rice, 20 for brown rice
  • 1 Tbsp. garlic infused olive oil or 1 clove diced garlic with 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • ½ cup diced fennel
  • ½ cup diced onion
  • 2 Tbsp. pine nuts
  • ¼ cup finely chopped Kalamata olives
  • ½ cup chopped parsley
  • ¾ tsp. salt
  • ¾ tsp. pepper
  • ½ tsp. dried oregano
  • ½ tsp. fennel seed
  • 1 Tbsp. dried dill
  • ½ cup crumbled feta cheese
  • 1 lb. ground lamb 85% lean
  • 1 egg beaten
  • 2 bunches chard
  • 1-½ cups chicken broth
  • 2 Tbsp. lemon juice


  • Preheat the oven to 350° F.
  • Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium high heat. Add the fennel, onion, pine nuts and garlic, if using. Sauté, stirring occasionally until the vegetables begin to soften and the pine nuts begin to toast. Stir in the olives, parsley, salt, pepper and spices. Remove from heat to cool while you prepare the chard.
  • Wash the chard leaves, then slice out the part of the stem beneath the leaf, leaving just the leaf. Spray a 9x13-inch baking pan with cooking spray. Stir the feta cheese crumbles and egg into the cooled vegetable mixture, then combine thoroughly with the ground lamb. Place several tablespoons of the meat mixture at the top of a chard leaf. Fold in the sides of the leaf over the meat, then roll up to enclose the meat. Repeat with remaining chard leaves and meat mixture until chard leaves are used. Make any remaining meat mixture into small meatballs. Arrange the chard rolls and meatballs in the prepared pan, pushing them tightly together as pictured. Combine the broth and lemon juice and pour over the rolls. Cover the pan tightly with foil and bake in preheated oven for 45 to 60 minutes, until chard is done and meat mixture has expanded to fill the rolls. Serve hot.

Panettone Morning Buns


So… I was a bread baker wannabe born to a couple of hot roll mix mavens. My grandmother’s delicious “homemade” raisin bread was actually hot roll mix with added sugar and raisins, while my Mom’s “Super Sandwich Bread” was hot roll mix with raisins, grated carrots, sunflower seeds, sharp cheddar and bacon bits. The two of them certainly kept their semi-homemade recipes true to form-Grandma’s was simple sweetness and Mom’s was, in comparison, a health bomb. Not my personal favorite health bomb…

We had a few family recipes passed down from prior generations, but none of them were really bread, even for the holidays. Mom did bake a treasured almond roll for breakfast, which is still our tradition, but it was adapted from a then recent recipe called Starlight Sugar Crisps, still available on many sites online. ( ) But I longed for beautiful coffee rings, savarins, braided and swirled breads. I saw it as my job to pick up the cultural bread slack around the place. Armed with my treasured bread book, I made my best attempts at baking complex ethnic breads. Mind you, I had no connection to these ethnicities, no passing-the-skills-down from generation to generation. My family is primarily English and Irish, with a bit of German thrown in (or so I’ve been told), but my ancestors came eons ago, apparently without any prized European bread recipes in hand. Also, what I didn’t know at the time was that my beloved bread book (yes, I still have it!) was written for Americans. Easier methods, more of an American product.

After leaving the farm, I seldom made bread. Busy with college, first jobs, grad school and then my own family, bread was an afterthought. We purchased it at the grocery store like all sensible Americans. A massive metamorphosis occurred when my husband, our two young children, and I took a trip to Italy, where my husband had spent his early childhood years. While commercially produced bread had stolen the market there as well, a small artisan bread movement was underway and I discovered seriously good bread. The kind that one really should be eating if one is eating bread. The kind that takes at least 24 hours from start to finish, using pre-ferments or natural yeast leavens. The kind of bread with a soft but chewy interior laced with holes, all concealed inside a heavenly crisp crust. I overdosed on this stuff for almost three weeks, wondering how I would ever learn to make it at home. Because there was no question, if I couldn’t buy it, I would have to learn to make it. I was not going to waste my calories on lousy factory made bread for even one more day.

Which was not true, of course, because first I had to locate a book that actually took the place of an Italian grandmother. I found such books while still in Italy! Written in Italian… have I mentioned that I don’t read Italian? A bit of research on my part yielded Carol Field’s amazing book, The Italian Baker. (…/dp/1607741067)  In English. Mercifully, Carol had completed my journey by spending time in bakeries across Italy, along the way writing a beautiful book, which replaced the Italian grandmother. Country loaves, ciabatta, focaccia, sweet rolls-I learned to make them all. Then, within a few years, the artisan bread movement had arrived in the states, and I could buy such bread locally. But I continued to bake it for special occasions.

These days, being retired, I make the great majority of the bread we consume at about half the cost of the artisanal loaf. I’m mighty glad that artisanal loaf is available though, because every now and again I just want to go out and buy it.

I don’t mess around with my daily bread recipe too much. Sourdough spelt whole wheat. But I am now the proud owner of multiple bread books by well established artisan bakers, and have learned a great deal about the science of bread making. When I play with bread recipes, it may take several attempts, but I know which ingredients to put where for my desired result. I thoroughly enjoy developing my own recipes from classic dough templates. Today’s morning bun is a cross between an English hot cross bun and a Roman bun. Typically eaten around the Lenten/Easter season, the English filled them with raisins and the Romans stuffed them with whipped cream. My version takes a U-turn to intersect with the delectable flavors of panettone, yet another Italian bread. My signature almond paste, fiori di sicilia (orange and vanilla flavoring) and yes, brandy to take it over the top. This is a rich roll, not as sweet as most morning buns, but definitely one of my favorites. You won’t find it, even in a European kitchen, but you can make it in your own!

About the hot roll mix…

When Mom moved into a retirement residence, she no longer had the equipment or ability to bake. But she still liked to eat. And yes, she still loved Super Sandwich Bread. Lucky for me the store still carried that cardboard box of premixed roll ingredients!

Panettone Morning Buns

Prep Time2 hours 30 minutes
Cook Time30 minutes
Total Time3 hours
Course: Bread
Servings: 1 dozen
Author: Mary Kay Allen


  • Sponge:
  • ½ cup warm water
  • 1 envelope 2 ¼ teaspoons instant yeast
  • 2-½ tablespoons sugar
  • 2 eggs plus 1 egg yolk
  • 1 ¼ cups sprouted whole wheat or white whole-wheat flour
  • Dough:
  • 2 ounces almond paste
  • 2 tablespoons brandy
  • ¾ teaspoon fiori de sicilia or ½ teaspoon vanilla plus 1-teaspoon orange zest
  • 1 cup all purpose flour
  • ¼ cup plus 2 tablespoons almond flour
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1/3 cup butter softened and cut into bits
  • 2 tablespoons finely diced candied orange peel
  • ¼ cup tart dried cherries diced
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • ¼ cup lightly chopped pine nuts


  • Mix all sponge ingredients together thoroughly in large mixer bowl. Cover and let rest for 45 minutes.
  • To the sponge, add the almond paste, brandy, extract, flours and salt. Beat together thoroughly, then add the butter and blend until smooth dough forms. Stir in the candied orange peel and cherries. The dough will be soft. If using a stand mixer, switch to the dough hook and scoop the dough from the bowl edges into the center of the bowl. Knead for 3 minutes. Alternately, scoop the dough out of the bowl onto a lightly floured surface and roll to coat lightly with flour. Knead until dough is smooth. Place in a bowl lightly sprayed with cooking spray, then spray the top of the dough to prevent drying out. Cover and let rise until puffy, 1 to 1 ½ hours.
  • Turn the dough out onto lightly floured surface and pat into a ball. Divide the dough into 12 even pieces and round each into a ball. Combine the remaining sugar with pine nuts. Dip the top of each bun into the nut and sugar mixture. Place on baking sheet either lightly greased or covered with parchment. Cover loosely and allow to rise until puffy, around 1 hour. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  • Bake the buns for 25 to 30 minutes, until lightly browned. Remove to cooling rack.





Pasta Class


For most folk, the image of a kid in a candy shop would not be a child in a big ol’ farm kitchen, festooned with oodles of noodles. But it fits my story as a young kid on the farm. Homemade hand cut egg noodles, which my mother had hung to dry over every free surface in the room-counters, tables and chair backs.  Now this just happened to leave the neatly cut ends of the l-o-n-g noodles at about the height of a small farm girl… While I’m sure she cautioned me to leave them alone, inevitably I’d manage to sneak in unseen to tweak off the yummy ends of that soft dough, leaving a row of ragged edges like a set of snaggle teeth. Was I in trouble? Probably. But not so much so that I recall ending the error of my ways…

Noodles were a staple on the Midwestern dinner table, usually served as part of “something and noodles,” such as chicken and noodles or beef and noodles. I never learned to make them; by the time I was old enough, Mom was too busy on the farm or had returned to full-time work. She simply didn’t make them any longer. And what was never mentioned was the fact that egg noodles are actually pasta.

Italian American food was not a particularly familiar cuisine on the farm. My mom did make a basic spaghetti sauce, but it was always served on the long dried strands of pasta found in a box on the grocery store shelf.  But after leaving the farm for the wider world, and as that world began to offer a broader selection of cuisines, I came to know fresh pasta as a highly desirable commodity. I simply never connected the simple egg noodles of my childhood with fresh pasta, because we didn’t eat it that way. And the idea of making it at home seemed quite daunting…

The fact that my husband had spent his early childhood in the south of Italy only multiplied the intimidation factor. His nickname as a kid was “the spaghetti boy.”  We acquired an Italian pasta machine years ago and he would on occasion make fresh pasta. That seemed to suffice until several months ago when I saw a class being offered at Hayden Flour Mills where I purchase many of my grain products. The company mills an ancient variety of wheat known as Sonoran white wheat, originally brought to the area by the Spaniards as they moved north through Mexico to claim land and establish missions. Highly digestible, I use it in many of my baked goods.

A life-long need to make pasta suddenly bloomed, so I registered for the class. Picture a gaggle of multi-aged women around a big wooden baking station. Gab and flour were both flying freely; eggs were breaking and dough was kneaded. We took turns learning how to thin and cut the dough, feeding through the pasta machine.  We cut and stamped tortellini and used a cavarola board to make cavatelli. My fear melted away, as I discovered this process was actually pretty easy, particularly for someone who has baked for years.  I was also reminded that camaraderie makes learning reinforcing. Many kudos to Emma and Jill, our instructors at the mill, for making the afternoon both fun and functional.  

I drove home with a pound of various shapes of pasta, including half a pound of yes; you guessed it, egg noodles. Checked out the pantry, finding the ingredients to turn those scrumptious strands of dough into this recipe. So as we head into a new year, do I think you should make this pasta dish or even make your own pasta? Sure if either of those appeal to you. You can certainly make the dish with convenient fresh pasta from the refrigerated section of the grocery, or even dried pasta. But more importantly, try something you’ve always wanted to do, but thought you couldn’t. Accomplishment feels pretty satisfying.

Pasta with Butternut and Bacon

Prep Time45 minutes
Total Time45 minutes
Course: Entree
Servings: 4 servings
Author: Mary Kay Allen


  • 1 poblano pepper
  • 2 cups diced butternut squash
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt
  • ¼ teaspoon pepper
  • ¼ teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • ¼ teaspoon cumin
  • ½ teaspoon dried rosemary crushed
  • 5 slices bacon
  • 8 ounces fresh or dried pasta of choice
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • pinch pepper
  • 1 cup milk or alt milk
  • ¼ cup grated pecorino or parmesan cheese
  • ¼ cup chopped cilantro


  • Turn the oven on to broil. Place the poblano pepper on a baking pan and broil until blackened, turning to broil all sides. Remove from the heat and place in a paper bag to steam. Once cooled, scrape off the blackened skin, remove seeds and dice the flesh. Set aside.
  • Heat the oven to 425° F. Toss the butternut squash with olive oil, salt, pepper, oregano, cayenne, cumin and rosemary. Spread out on a baking pan either sprayed with cooking spray or covered with parchment. Bake for 20 minutes, stirring once, or until browned and tender. Set aside.
  • Begin heating a large pot of water with 2 to 3 quarts of generously salted water. Slice the bacon in ½ inch strips and sauté in a medium skillet until browned and crisp. Remove to a paper towel to drain. Pour off the bacon fat, leaving one tablespoon in the skillet. When ready to make the sauce, heat the bacon fat over medium high heat until sizzling, then stir in the flour until smooth. Gradually add the milk, stirring constantly until it comes to a boil. Turn heat down and simmer sauce for 1 minute. Add the grated cheese and season to taste. Stir in the diced poblano.
  • When the water is boiling, cook the pasta according to the recipe or package directions. When al dente drain the pasta, reserving ½ cup starchy cooking water. Toss pasta with the sauce, butternut squash and bacon slices, adding starchy cooking water as needed to thin the sauce.

Grandma’s Oatmeal Bread


At some early point in my baking history, I asked my mom if we could bake bread. Not quick bread mind you, yeast bread. Recall, bread on the farm meant whole-wheat from the stone-grinding mill, baked by the local bakery. Quaint establishments in today’s culture.

I assumed that my mother would know how to bake bread. She knew how to produce all goods from the kitchen, didn’t she? Well, she not only didn’t know how to make bread, the very thought caused her to quake in her house slippers. “B-b-bread? But that uses YEAST!” I was undeterred, and luckily, my grandmother provided Mom with an escape route-this quick oatmeal bread recipe, akin to an English muffin type bread. It’s humble batter bread, simply spooned into a pan, raised, and baked. I could make this independently, it made wonderful toast, and kept me happy for a minute.

Eventually I pushed Mom further, and we baked a loaf of plain white bread, a huge sacrifice for her, knowing she was missing all that whole grain nutrition. When it became obvious to her that bread was my calling in the world of home baking, she wisely bought me a breads recipe book, and pretty much just let me loose. There were successes; there were flops, but every effort taught me something I didn’t know before.

Today, I am an avid sourdough (aka levain) baker. While I’ve documented my personal difficulties with wheat, baking with natural yeast makes it possible for me to eat any kind of wheat flour I want. The long, slow fermentation with natural yeast breaks down the substances my gut finds challenging, allowing me to enjoy artisan quality breads with abandon. Any time I want! As most restaurants serve standard commercial loaves made with quick rising yeast, I have been known to tuck a few slices of well-wrapped bread into my purse when we eat out, to be snuck surreptitiously onto the bread plate…

My daily loaf now looks something like this:

and I bake this loaf several times a month. An additional version studded with dried fruit and nuts is a close friend with cheeses of all types, served for breakfast. Levain baking requires commitment. That unassuming natural yeast starter in the fridge requires weekly feeding, and ideally weekly use, because a portion of the starter must be discarded each time it is fed. Raised with the farm mentality, I can’t throw that discard away; hence we eat sourdough everything-pancakes, buckwheat cakes, biscuits, scones, etc. etc.

Having now convinced you that my mother’s instinct to avoid bread baking was valid, let’s get back to that easy oatmeal bread! I hadn’t baked it for years when I stumbled upon the recipe in my box. My grandmother was decidedly not a nutrition minded cook, or baker. She also lived on coffee, cigarettes and bedtime shots of gin, which gives you some idea of her life philosophy. So it was no surprise that this recipe needed a few tweaks to make it healthier. Some of that flour needed to be whole wheat and the sugar! Who knew one could pack that much sugar into one loaf of bread? No wonder I loved it as a kid…

If you’ve never baked bread, this is the place to start. Who knows? You too may become addicted to bread baking, or you might just have decidedly delicious toast once in a while.

Grandma's Oatmeal Bread

A simple batter bread, much like an English Muffin bread.
Prep Time3 hours
Cook Time45 minutes
Total Time3 hours 45 minutes
Course: Yeast Bread
Servings: 1 loaf


  • 1 cup rolled oats
  • 1 ¾ cups boiling water
  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup
  • 1 ¼ teaspoons salt
  • 2 ¼ teaspoons instant yeast
  • 1 ¼ cups white whole wheat or sprouted whole-wheat flour
  • 1 ¼ cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 tablespoon ground flax meal


  • Mix oats, boiling water and maple syrup; set aside to cool.
  • In large bowl, mix the yeast, flours, salt and flax meal. Stir in the cooled oat mixture and stir into a stiff batter. Cover and let rise until doubled, around an hour and a half. Stir down and spoon into a greased 8 ½ x 5-inch loaf pan, spreading evenly. Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees F. Cover pan and let rise until batter is just above the pan rim. Bake for 45 minutes, until browned and edges are pulled away from the sides of the pan.



Of Picnics, Hot Coals, and Grilled Chicken


Our farm had a broad swath of front lawn, peppered with long-standing shady elm trees. An old-fashioned wooden picnic table lived under one of these leafy umbrellas. “Having a picnic” simply meant taking our meal outdoors. Given that this was an earlier time and we raised our own meat, the dinner usually featured a slab of grilled meat known as the “set piece,” or main dish. It became a grand celebration on the evenings when my dad brought home a watermelon or we all strained muscles on the hand-crank ice cream machine.

I always had my own private celebration when the grill made its entrance from the garage out onto the driveway. I have no idea how my mother developed her skills on the charcoal grill. While she had a small repertoire of recipes, the dishes she grilled were masterpieces. Crisp crusted yet rare steaks. An incredible foil wrapped, slow grilled chuck roast with a succulent sauce of grilled onions and tomatoes. Juicy Asian marinated grilled chicken. Thick rosemary infused pork chops. There were soaked wood chips for smoking, drip pans, direct and indirect sides to the grill- you get the picture. She was not one to fling a hunk of meat over the fire, give it a squirt and hope for the best. (That is actually my style, as I did not follow in her footsteps on the whole grilling routine…)

Mom’s grill was no prize, either. It was an ancient metal event, boxy and black, encrusted with years of grease and BBQ goo, whatever that may have been… I suspect that it was actually those dicey substances that were holding the metal together. BBQ cement of a sort. I don’t know where it came from, but she used it for many years with delicious results. Sadly, while I loved the products, I never learned how to cook them myself. While I might season or marinate today, my husband mans the charcoal around here. For which we are all exceedingly thankful.

We are stalwart year-round grillers, no matter our locale of the moment. Midwestern rain and snow were overcome to grill throughout the winter months. Here in the desert southwest, the neighbors regard us with great suspicion in the mercilessly hot summer as my husband trudges out to start the fire.  He prays that it kindles into coals that will actually cook something, then races back inside until time to put the to-be-grilled items over the coals. Since our meat consumption has been reined in considerably, this is usually fish or vegetables; occasionally steak, which we portion out into a summer salad. Grilled chicken also makes the cut, remaining one of my favorites from summers on the farm. While my mother’s recipe had a very simple soy based marinade, my usual grilled chicken marinates in a more complex Middle Eastern style marinade that features my preserved lemons. Yeah, still pushin’ the lemons. Somebody around here has to do it.

Moroccan Spiced Grilled Chicken

Juicy grilled chicken with Middle Eastern spices and the tang of preserved lemons.
Prep Time20 minutes
Cook Time45 minutes
Total Time1 hour 5 minutes
Course: meat entree
Servings: 6 servings
Author: Mary Kay Allen


  • 2 tablespoons diced preserved lemon peel
  • 2 tablespoons lemon brine from preserved lemons
  • ¼ cup lemon juice
  • ¼ cup olive oil
  • 3 green onions chopped
  • ¼ cup chopped parsley
  • ½ teaspoon coriander
  • ½ teaspoon turmeric
  • 1- teaspoon sesame oil
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ½ teaspoon pepper
  • 2 teaspoons Sambal Oelek
  • 1 whole chicken cut into serving sized pieces


  • Combine all ingredients except chicken and blend well. Pour over the chicken pieces and marinate, refrigerated for at least 4 hours, or up to overnight.
  • Remove chicken from marinade and grill over medium hot gas or charcoal fire until cooked through and juices run clear.





Honeyed Fig and Pistachio Dutch Baby

It’s summer in Tucson, which means extreme heat, monsoon rains, gorgeous cloud formations and sunsets along with the ever-popular humidity. (Well, the ever-popular part might be debatable.) Oh! And…


We all know that I am a fanatical aficionado of fresh figs, given that this is my second post starring the petite plummy fruit. There is nothing debatable about the luscious nature of the fig, full of honey and berry flavors. As mentioned here last July, fresh figs were actually a well-concealed part of my retirement plan, given that midwestern farm types don’t have the climate to grow them. My neighbor’s tree here in the desert southwest yielded mightily once again and I have purchased numerous baskets of them from my local grocer. Plus I’ve been keeping an eye out for a certain vendor at the farmers’ market, as he sells the best local organic figs ever. He didn’t disappoint, showing up for the first time several weeks ago. I really hope the fruity little fellas are good for me, as I tend to overdose on them each summer, as is patently obvious at this point!

And yes, given this fig bounty, four pints of my fig frozen yogurt (July, 2017) were securely nestled into the deepest section of my freezer. Maybe not quite deep enough though, since we couldn’t resist serving it for dessert the day it was made, then for a company dinner and now we are polishing off the third pint because it’s summer…or something. Might have to invest in additional fro-yo before summer fig season is over. I’ve also combined these succulent fruits with Greek yogurt and honey for an ingenious summer dessert and feasted upon them simply as fruit in hand. But their potential has come calling again, as it is so wont to do, for a crisp yet delicate Dutch Baby. I make a delectable buckwheat Dutch baby with blueberries and maple syrup, and a fig variation is on the breakfast menu today.

The Dutch baby was not a breakfast item served on our farm. This is somewhat surprising, given that my mom made both delicate lacy crepes and big beautiful crispy cream puffs. A Dutch baby would appear to be the offspring of these two delights, but alas, I did not discover it until many years later. Actually, one could stuff crepes with fresh figs and ricotta, roll them up and apply a drizzle of honey… oh but wait, I’m supposed to be baking a Dutch baby…

Just in case you are one of the unfortunate folk that don’t have a ready supply of summer figs, it’s good to know that Dutch babies are incredibly tasty with any number of fruits. Fresh juicy peaches with pecans or sweet strawberries with slivered almonds would make great combinations as well. Whatever yummy fruits you happen to have around, I hope you’ll give this Dutch baby a try before summer fruit marches into the sunset for the year.

However, I might point out that two types of figs were available at my local Trader Joe’s this week, so this might be your chance to run out and snag them. Which you should most definitely do, particularly if you have never tried them… but I will warn you, if you become addicted to figs, you might have to alter your retirement plans, too!

Honeyed Fig and Pistachio Dutch Baby

Crisp and delicate cross between a pancake and a cream puff.
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time20 minutes
Total Time35 minutes
Course: Breakfast
Servings: 2 servings
Author: Mary Kay Allen


  • ¼ cup toasted unsalted pistachios divided
  • 5 tablespoons flour I used a combination of Sonoran white whole wheat and oat flour; gluten free blend is fine
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ teaspoon cinnamon
  • Pinch of cardamom
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/3- cup milk
  • 1 tablespoon honey divided
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla
  • 1- tablespoon butter
  • ¼ cup Greek yogurt skyr, ricotta or cottage cheese
  • 5 large fresh figs sliced thinly
  • Optional sprinkles bee pollen, chia or poppy seeds


  • Place a 9-inch cast iron skillet in the oven and preheat to 425° F.
  • Measure 2 tablespoons of the pistachios into the work bowl of a food processor. Process until a fine meal forms. Add the flours, salt, cinnamon, and cardamom. Process briefly to combine. Add the eggs, milk, 1 teaspoon of the honey and vanilla and process to blend. Allow to sit while the skillet is heating. Remove the hot skillet from the oven and swirl the butter in it till melted to coat the pan surface. Pour in the batter and bake 15-20 minutes, until puffed, brown and set. Chop the remaining 2 tablespoons of pistachios. Cool for several minutes, then place a scoop of the yogurt in the center. Arrange the fig slices around the center. Drizzle with the remaining 2 teaspoons honey and sprinkle with the chopped nuts. Dust with any of the sprinkles if desired.